Vector Boson Fusion Higgs
Description of the channel
Higgs boson produced by fusion of vector bosons emitted by the two incoming partons. The two partons have small transverse momentum and hadronize producing forward jets (tag jets). The signal is H->ZZ->mumubb.
Analysis strategy
Use a multivariate approach based on boosted decision trees (BDT). The TMVA package is used for the training and testing of the algorithm and two distinct BDTs are used.
The first BDT is used to select the tag jets and the second to select the hadronic Z jets (or give the final significance, still to be seen).
Training of the final BDT
The second BDT receives in input the result of the first BDT as well as the most discriminating variables available. A first look at a full set of variables to decide what are the most discriminating ones to be used is shown here:Described in: HadZBDTinputVariables.pdf
Selection of the most discriminating variables
A subset of the most discriminating and less correlated variables is selected:
- H_T
- output of the first BDT
- Pt of the second jet assigned to the hadronic Z
- Pt of the leptonic Z
- mass of the hadronic Z
- mass of the leptonic Z
- Delta R between the two Zs