Internal to CMS
Link to the INDICO search in case I missed something.
Link to the additional search to catch the mispellings of my family name. Check for yourself, there are all combinations: INDICO search for mispellings.
L1 Tracking Trigger
- Optimization of Bank Generation - L1 Track Finding meeting - 12/03/2014
- Study on Linearized Track Fitting - L1 Track finding with AM - CMS Week Miami - 12/17/2014
- Update on PCA from TAMU - L1 Track finding with AM - Tracker Week - 1/28/2015
- Updates on linearized track fitter - L1 Track Finding with AM - 3/04/2015
- PCA with Delta_R corrections - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - 3/17/2015
- Options for Delta_r and non-linearity corrections - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - 4/14/2015
- Linearized track fit update - L1 Track finding with AM - 4/29/2015
- Special technical presentation: Linearized Track Fit for AM+FPGA - L1 Track finding - 5/19/2015
- TAMU linearized track fitting study update - L1 Track finding with AM - 5/20/2015
- Track Fitting Simulation for AM+FPGA approach - US-CMS Annual Meeting, 2015 - May 27-30 2015
- Fitting the forward/hybrid region - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - June 16 2015
- Track Fitting in the Hybrid and Forward Regions - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - July 2 2015
- Linearized Track Fitting - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - July 7 2015
- An Unified Approach to Linearized Track Fitting for Barrel, Hybrid and Endcaps - L1 Track finding with AM - July 8 2015
- Special General topic: An possible Unified Approach to Linearized Track Fitting for both Barrel and Endcaps (developed from AM approach) - L1 Track finding with during Tk week - July 15 2015
- Pt Resolution in the Transition Region - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - July 28 2015
- Update on Fitter - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - August 18 2015
- Update on Fit Performance - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - August 25 2015
- Update on unified track fit performance - L1 Track Finding - August 26 2015
- Track Fitting algorithms - update - Linearized Track Fitting Weekly Meeting - October 13 2015
- TAMU track fitter firmware implementation status report - LPC Track Trigger meeting - December 8 2015
- Track Fitting Update - Linearized Track Fitting Bi-Weekly Meeting - January 12 2016
- Precision Studies for Track Fitting - L1 Track Finding - January 13 2016
- Update on track fitting implementation - LPC Track Trigger meeting - January 19 2016
- FNAL Mezzanine and Track Fitter - Phase 2 L1 Track finding during TK Week - January 28 2016
- AM+FPGA Track Fit - Director’s Review of US-CMS HL-LHC Upgrades - February 3 2016
- Update on the combination builder and its firmware implementation - Track Trigger Simulation Bi-Weekly Meeting - March 15 2016
- Intro/summary of track fitting algorithm - LPC Track Trigger meeting - mini-workshop on PRM - April 14 2016
- Track Fitting firmware implementation study at TAMU - LPC Track Trigger meeting - mini-workshop on PRM - April 14 2016
- Initial Combiner study - LPC Track Trigger meeting - mini-workshop on PRM - April 14 2016
- Track Fitting algorithm 2 and performance - L1 AM+FPGA Track Finding Workshop - April 28 2016
- FNAL PRM firmware: basic combiner implementation/study - L1 AM+FPGA Track Finding Workshop - April 28 2016
- FNAL PRM firmware: track fitting engine implementation & performance (part 1) - L1 AM+FPGA Track Finding Workshop - April 28 2016
- Status of hardware demonstration for AM Approach - US CMS Collaboration Annual Meeting 2016 - May 19 2016
- Track Fitter Integration - Track Trigger Simulation Bi-Weekly Meeting - May 24 2016
- Novel Track Fitting Algorithm for Phase2 L1 Trigger - Abid Patwa Visit @LPC - May 24 2016
- Multiple-fitter architectures - Track Trigger Simulation Bi-Weekly Meeting - Aug 2 2016
- Combiner/TF firmware update - LPC Track Trigger meeting - Aug 23 2016
- Comb/TF architecture study update - LPC Track Trigger meeting - Aug 23 2016
- Studies with displaced tracks - Bi-weekly L1 Track Trigger meeting - Sep 1 2016
- Single vs multi fitter latency performance study - L1 AM+FPGA Track finding - Sep 15 2016
- Combiner/TF firmware update - LPC Track Trigger meeting - Sep 20 2016
- Fitter performance for displaced tracks - Track Trigger Simulation Bi-Weekly Meeting - Sep 27 2016
- FNAL PRM Combiner/TF status report - L1 AM+FPGA Track finding - Oct 05 2016
- Combiner/TF firmware update - LPC Track Trigger meeting - Nov 01 2016
- Cross check analysis - B Physics PAG meeting - 22/01/2013
- Cross check analysis (follow up discussion) - B Physics PAG meeting - 05/02/2013
- B->mumu check point #3 - B->mumu check point - 25/02/2013
- B->mumu check point #4 - B->mumu check point - 01/03/2013
- B->mumu check point #5 - B->mumu check point - 15/03/2013
- B->mumu check point #6 - B->mumu check point - 05/04/2013
- B->mumu check point #7 - B->mumu check point - 19/04/2013
- Status of B->mumu cross-check analysis - BPH Working Group meeting - 24/04/2013
- B->mumu check point #9 - B->mumu check point - 03/05/2013
- B->mumu check point #10 (slides prepared by Nuno) - B->mumu check point - 10/05/2013
- B->mumu coordinating meeting - Bs cross check update - 3/7/2013
- B->mumu coordinating meeting - Bs cross check update - 4/7/2013
- B->mumu coordinating meeting - Bs cross check update - 5/7/2013
- B_s -> mu mu in CMS - Reharsal for the Beauty conference talk - 05/04/2013
- Observation of Bs->mu+mu- - (Approval presentation, talk given by U. Langenegger, contribution for the cross check analysis) - 12/7/2013
- Bs --> mumu - US CMS Meeting - 09/08/2013
- Analysis updates: Displaced fermions (Slides prepared by the group) - Long-Lived Exotica WG - 2011-06-10
- Status of Displaced Fermion Searches (Talk given by Ian Tomalin, contributed to slides prepared by the group) - Long-Lived Exotica WG - 2011-06-24
- Measuring tracking efficiency for displaced tracks with cosmic muons - PH-DPG Tracking Meeting - 2011-07-25
- Displaced Leptons Search Update (Slides prepared by the group, contributed with the trigger study) - Long-Lived Exotica WG - 2011-09-30
- Displaced muon triggers and update on TnP results - Muon HLT meeting - 2011-10-14
- Displaced Muons - standalone muon bias - Long-Lived Exotica WG - 2011-11-11
- Studies of biases in standalone-muon reconstruction - Muon POG Working Meeting - 2011-11-17
- Analysis updates: Displaced fermions - Long-Lived Exotica WG - 2011-11-25
- Analysis updates: Displaced fermions - Long-Lived Exotica WG - 2011-12-09
- Search for New Physics with Displaced Vertices - US CMS Weekly Meeting - 2012-24-02
- Pre-approval: Displaced Dilepton - Long Lived Exotica WG Meeting - 2012-27-04
- Exotic decays of 125 GeV Higgs in displaced leptons - Exotica Meeting - 2012-25-09
- Displaced Di-lepton (status update of 2012 data analysis) - Long LIved Exotica WG Meeting - 2012-23-11
- Tracking Efficiency for Displaced Tracks for EXO - PPD General Meeting - 2013-30-01
- Muon Efficiencies for Displaced Muons - Muon POG Working Meeting - 2013-30-05
- Progress with StandAloneMuons (Talk given by M. Solmaz, a student at Purdue working for his summer project). - Displaced fermion meeting - 2013-19-06
- Update on displaced-muon trigger efficiency - Muon HLT Meeting - 2013-27-08
- Brief Outlook for Displaced Standalone Muon Analysis (Talk given by M. Solmaz). - Displaced fermion meeting - 2013-28-08
- StandAloneMuons for the displaced leptons analysis - Muon POG Working meeting - 2013-19-09
- Update on Displaced Leptons (status toward approval) - Long Lived Exotica WG Meeting - 2013-22-11
- Trigger efficiency for refittedStandAloneMuons (Talk given by Melih) - Muon POG Working meeting - 2014-06-03
- Status of the StandAloneMuons Analysis - Displaced Leptons meeting - 2014-20-03
- Displaced leptons update (StandAlone muons analysis) - Long Lived Exotica WG Meeting - 2014-25-04
- Displaced leptons search using STA muons: status report - Long Lived Exotica WG Meeting - 2014-16-07
- Studies of displaced Standalone Muons - Muon POG meeting - 2014-15-09
- Preapproval of displaced dimuons with muon chambers only (EXO-14-012) - Long Lived Exotica WG Meeting - 2014-24-10
- Displaced standalone muons update - Long Lived Exotica WG Meeting - 2014-05-12
- Approval of EXO-14-012: Search for displaced dimuons with muon chambers only - OFF-WEEK Exotica General Meeting - 17 March 2015
- AlCaDB Review
- PPD Coordination Meeting
- CMS Week plenary session (TALK BY CHIARA) - 27/02/2012
- Update on AlCa conditions for 52X MC production (and the start of data taking) - PPD General Meeting - 4/4/2012
- First 2012 calibration results and CMSSW 52X validation - Joint Computing/Offline/Physics/PPD/Trigger Session 18/4/2012
- updates to the conditions - PPD General Meeting 13/06/2012
- New policy and recipies from the AlCa group - PPD General Meeting 01/08/2012
- Update on AlCa condition - PPD General Meeting 29/08/2012
- Updates on HCAL calibrations - PPD General Meeting 19/09/2012
- Status of AlCa conditions for 2012D re-reco (talk by R. Castello) - PPD General Meeting 30/01/2013
- GlobalTag Evolution Discussion - AlCaDB meeting 18/03/2013
- AlCa Plans for different upgrade scenarios - PPD General Meeting 20/03/2013
- Special PPD Coordination Meeting
- Split GT
- News (includes slides about split GT)
- Status of 7 TeV conditions (data and MC)- PPD General Meeting 21/08/2013
- Status of mis-alignment scenario for 2011 MC- PPD General Meeting 30/10/2013
- 7/2/2012:
- New ECAL conditions for MC
- 21/2/2012:
- AlCa Plans for 2012
- Plans for Tracker Alignment Updates for Reprocessings
- HCAL calibration status
- Beamspot in presence of PU
- 6/3/2012:
- Update on tracker alignment
- 13/3/2012 (DB flavor, but an AlCa talk was given):
- Beamspot for 2012
- 20/3/2012:
- Pixel gain calibration
- PCL: tracker alignment
- 20/3/2012:
- Pixel gain calibration
- PCL: tracker alignment
- 3/4/2012:
- L1 updates
- Pixel geometry from CRAFT studies
- ECAL updates
- 17/4/2012:
- First results from HCAL
- First results for the beamspot
- First results from ECAL
- tracker alignment results with first data
- 15/5/2012:
- ECAL constants for H->gg
- 29/5/2012:
- DT calibration update
- HLT Calibration Constants Validation Workflow
- 12/6/2012:
- Snapshot Discussion
- 26/6/2012:
- Beam Spot with 53X pixel alignment
- Proposal for new pixel alignment
- Pixels templates and LA
- ECAL intercalibration status for 53X
- 10/7/2012:
- Pixel gain update
- Discussion on tag update policies
- Discussion on GT usage
- 17/7/2012:
- DBA report
- Discussion on online and offline monitoring
- 17/7/2012:
- GT Updates and Analysis GTs
- 7/8/2012:
- Update to HCAL conditions
- 4/9/2012:
- Discussion on run-based MC
- 18/9/2012:
- Update to HCAL conditions
- "Blobification" of condition payloads
- Status of Pixel alignment in PCL
- 02/10/2012:
- Status and Plans for the Tracker Alignment
- Run-dependent MC
- 16/10/2012:
- HCAL Conditions Update
- ECAL proposal for run dependent MC
- Discussion on Conditions for Heavy Ion Run
- 23/10/2012:
- pixel calibration plan for 2012 reprocessing
- Tracker alignment plans for 2012
- 20/10/2012:
- Pixel alignment in the PCL
- HCAL Alignmnet
- 6/11/2012:
- TrackerAlignment for A+B data re-reco
- ECAL clustering for 61X
- 13/11/2012:
- TrackerAlignment for A+B (discussion only)
- 20/11/2012:
- HCAL Conditions for Data Reprocessing
- Update on Muon Alignment for A+B
- Round table on alignment for A+B
- SiStrip Channel Status Update
- Beamspot Update
- 20/11/2012:
- Tracker-muon cross alignment for 2012AB data
- Muon alignment sign off
- B-tag probabilities sign off
- Beamspot sign off
- ECAL Alignment sign off
- Preshower alignment sign off
- Round table on status of conditions for reprocessing
- HCAL alignment: status of implementation
- 11/12/2012:
- Tracker Alignment for 2012C signoff
- Tracker Bad channels signoff
- HCAL conditions signoff
- HCAL QPLL jetmet studies
- 14/01/2013:
- Discussion on 2012D conditions for reprocessing
- Validation of 2012D run-range affected by Pixel misalignment
- 28/01/2013:
- Sign-off of tracker alignment geometry for 2012D
- Sign-off of beam spot conditions for 2012D
- Validation of tracker-muon cross alignment for 2012D data
- ECAL and ES alignment validation on 2012D
- Sign-off of SiStrip bad channel payload
- Sign-off of HCAL conditions for 2012D reprocessing
- 04/02/2013:
- b-jet probabilities for 2012D and cross check of 2012 conditions using b-tag variables
- Additional validation of Pixel template and Lorentz Angle for 2012D
- Pixel resolution plots
- Tracker alignment checks on the new Pixel template tag
- 11/02/2013:
- Follow up on pixel resolution plots for 2012D
- Follow up on impact of new 2012D alignment on b-tag variables
- 25/02/2013:
- HCAL Alignment
- 04/03/2013:
- Overview of b-tagging SF for 2012 GTs
- GlobalTagCollector: status and plans
- 18/03/2013:
- New Monitoring for the Conditions Infrastructure
- Updated ZDC calibration for pPb 2013
- Global Tag Collector: status and plans
- GlobalTag Evolution Discussion
- 29/04/2013:
- Discussion on Tracker alignment and calibration conditions for 2011 data/MC reprocessing in 53X
- Discussion on upgrade GTs and multiple geometry scenarios
- GT splitting
- 06/05/2013:
- Status of muon misalignment scenario
- Discussion about conditions for reprocessing of 2011 in 53X
- 10/06/2013:
- TEC ring 7 geometry issue: how to proceed?
- Validation of 2011 Tracker APEs for 53X reprocessing
- Validation of 2011 b-jet probabilities for 53X reprocessing
- Validation of 2011 HCAL updated constants for 53X reprocessing
- 22/07/2013:
- Validation the Tracker alignment for 2011 data reprocessing and status of misalignment scenario for 7TeV MC (with the resolution of the long standing phi-dependent mass bias)
- 05/08/2013:
- Sign-off of conditions for 2013 pPb re-reco
- Beam spot
- Tracker alignment
- Status and validation of CASTOR conditions for 2011 reprocessing
- 12/07/2013:
- Sign-off of conditions for 2011 data legacy reprocessing
- b-jet probabilities
- ECAL alignment
- Pre-shower alignment
- Muon alignment
- Global Position Record
- 12/07/2013:
- Beamspot for 2011 data legacy reprocessing
- 30/09/2013:
- Status of muon misalignment scenario
- 14/10/2013:
- Status of muon misalignment scenario
- 28/10/2013:
- Tracker misalignment scenario: status and plans
- Validation of muon misalignment scenario (oral report, no slides)
- 18/11/2013:
- Muon misalignment scenario updates
- Tracker misalignment scenario updates
- Discussion on upgrade GTs
- 25/11/2013:
- Validation of 2011 MC alignments
- Update on 2011 HeavyIon alignment (oral report, no slides)
- 10/12/2013:
- AlCa conditions for simulation of first 2-3 weeks of 2015 data taking
- Multithreaded DQM
- Sign-off of b-tag Jet Probability Calibrations for 2011 Legacy MC
- Alignment and Calibrations for 2011 Legacy PbPb Data Re-reco
AlCaDB meetings, AlCa flavor
Momentum Scale and Resolution
- First look at muon momentum scale in 2011 data with MuScleFit algorithm (slides prepared by Roberto Castello) - Muon POG meeting - 2011-07-11
- Overview of results on muon momentum scale and resolution - Muon POG working meeting - 2011-02-24
- Update of the momentum scale and resolution analysis - PH-DPG Tracking Meeting - 2011-01-10
- Update of the momentum scale analysis - PH-DPG Tracking Meeting - 2010-11-15
- MuScleFit update on J/Psi with 1.3/pb - Momentum Scale and Resolution Meeting - 2010-11-03
- Status, results and plan of momentum scale - Tracker Week Meetings - 2010-10-12
- Momentum Scale and Resolution - CMS Physics Week, Bodrum - 2010-09-16
- Momentum Scale Calibration update on 837/nb Z->mumu - Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution for VBTF - 2010-08-16
- Momentum scale analysis: an update - PH-DPG Tracking Meeting - 2010-08-09
- Measurements of muon momentum scale and resolution: status report - Muon POG Working Meeting - 2010-07-29
- Momentum Scale Calibration on 54 Z->mumu Events with MuSclefit - Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution for VBTF - 2010-07-14
- Approval of TRK-10-004 - Momentum Scale (60+30) - ICHEP APPROVALS - 2010-07-09
- Status of Momentum Scale - VBTF meeting - 2010-06-04
- Introduction - Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution for VBTF - 2010-06-01
- First results on momentum scale from data - Quarkonium Task Force - 2010-05-28
- Introduction - Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution for VBTF - 2010-05-26
- Overview - VBTF Meeting - 2010-05-21
- Introduction - Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution for VBTF - 2010-05-11
- Momentum scale measurement: MuScle Fit - Muon POG Working Meeting - 2010-03-25
- Stato di MuscleFit - Meeting fisica/software CMS-Padova/Trento - 2010-03-08
- MuScle tool. Plans for early data - EWK Muon Meeting - 2009-07-16
- Muon momentum scale calibration - Muon Barrel Workshop - 2009-04-21
- Database for MuScleFit - Muon POG WG Meetings - 2009-01-22
- Tool for Momentum scale corrections - Tracking-Muon POGs Joint Meeting - 2008-11-24
- First results from 2011 MuScle fits to J/psi (Slides prepared by Gul and Candan) - B Physics Meeting - 2012-03-06
- Muon momentum scale with J/psi using MuScleFit (Slides prepared by Gul and Candan) - Muon POG Working Meeting - 2012-03-22
- hDQM status report - Tracker DQM meeting - 2010-11-19
- update: workflow of the historyDQM - DQM meeting during the CMS Offline and Computing Workshop - 2010-09-29
- History DQM Tool - DQM Group Meeting - 2010-06-29
- History DQM - DQM group meeting - 2009-12-01
- HistoryDQM Client - PVT meeting - 2009-08-19
- History DQM - DQM group meeting - 2009-10-06
SiStrip Tracker
- Strips: Status and Lessons learned - Tracker DPG - Tracking POG meeting - 2011-10-21
- Run Based MC - Tracker DPG - Tracking POG meeting - 2011-09-23
- DPG Report - Tracker General Meeting - 2011-06-28
- Use of RunInfo in reconstruction - Status - Tracker DPG - Tracking POG general meeting - 2011-06-10
- Performances of the Tracker during early 2011 data taking - CMS General Meeting: GWM64 - 2011-05-18
- Fast O2O - TkCo Meeting (slides prepared by G. Benelli) - 2011-04-11
- Results for Strips - Tracker DPG - Tracking POG general meeting - 2011-04-08
- Strips: status and news (offline) - Tracker DPG - Tracking POG general meeting - 2011-03-25
- Strips: results from CRAFT11 - Tracker DPG - Tracking POG general meeting - 2011-02-25
- SiStrip report at the DPG Steering commettee (restricted) - Tracker DPG - Tracking POG steering commettee - 2011-01-28
Offline Database
- Tracker report - Database meeting during the CMS Week - 2010-12-07
- New ConditionDB Object for PLL Values - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2010-11-04
- Tracker Online and Offline DB report (slides prepared with Phil C. Harris - CMS Week: Offline Meetings - 2010-06-15
- Update - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2010-06-03
- Migration to the automatic blob mapping - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2010-05-06
- New Development for the Gain Producer - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2010-04-16
- Strip Tracker - Weekly Offline Meetings: Reconstruction - 2009-12-03
- Status of new Gain DB Object - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2009-11-13
- Low level reconstruction and calibration status and preparation for beams - Tracker General Meeting - 2009-10-01
- SiStrip Latency - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2009-09-18
- Prompt Strip analyses - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2009-08-06
- SiStrip bad components for MC_31X - PVT meeting - 2009-07-15
- DB and O2O status report (slides prepared with Alexander Linn) - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2009-06-26
- Condition development for 31X - Weekly Tracker DPG Meetings - 2009-04-03
- Subdetectors reports: Tracker (SiStrip) - CMS Week: Offline Meetings - 2011-11-29
- Strip DCS O2O Recent Issues - Tracker DPG Meeting (Slides prepared by G. Benelli) - 2011-08-19
- SiStrip channel status from DCS - Weekly PVT/PO Meeting (approval of use of DCS O2O information in the 3_9_X rereco. First time DCS O2O information enters a full reco. Slides prepared by G. Benelli) - 2010-11-17
- Status of DCS o2o Work - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2010-02-25
- Status and plans regarging DCS O2O - Weekly Tracker DPG Meetings - 2010-02-04
- Tracker DCS O2O - Weekly Offline Meetings: Database - 2010-02-02
- Update on DCS o2o - Weekly Tracker DPG Meetings - 2010-02-02
- DCS 020 status - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2010-01-08
- DCS O2O: latest news and results with collision data - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction -
- DCS O2O: status report - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2009-09-04
Data Analysis at TIF
- Update on cross-talk measurement - Tracker Meetings during CMS week September 2007 - 2007-09-18
- Update on eta function study - Weekly Tracker DPG Meetings: Strip Tracker Simulation - 2007-07-26
- Signal properties - Weekly Tracker DPG Meetings: Strip Tracker Simulation tuning - 2007-06-14
- Offline analysis tools developments - Weekly Tracker DPG Meetings: Tracker Data Handling - 2007-05-24
- Study of cluster properties in cosmic muon events - Tracker DPG General meeting - 18-Apr-2007
- TIB/TOB slice test update on cluster properties - Tracker Performances and QA - 12-Mar-2007
- Analysis tools in CMSSW - Weekly Tracker DPG Meetings: Data Handling Meeting Special Session on TIF - 06-Mar-2007
- Preliminary studies of cluster properties in TIB and TOB slice test datasets - Tracker Performances and QA - 2007-03-05
- A study of the prospects for ttH, H to bb - CMS Higgs WG - 2007-2008 Analyses - 2008-03-14
- Seminar - 2010-10-06
- Updated Seminar - 2011-01-17
- CRAFT09 VR runs: un update (slides prepared with Suchandra Dutta) - Tracker Calibration and Local Reconstruction - 2009-08-28
- Validation of Simulazion pre4 Vs pre5 - - 2009-05-15
- Overview of the searches for long-lived particles at ATLAS - Purdue Group Meeting - 2011-09-11
- Seminar - April 1 2015
Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution for VBTF meetings
- 2010-11-03
- 2010-10-13
- 2010-09-30
- 2010-09-07
- 2010-08-16
- 2010-08-04
- 2010-07-14
- 2010-07-07
- 2010-06-30
- 2010-06-22
- 2010-06-14
- 2010-06-08
- 2010-06-01
- 2010-05-26
- 2010-05-11
SiStrip Tracker Calibration, Local Reconstruction and Simulation meetings (as convener)
- 2011-01-20 Highlights: Pedestal O2O completed.
- 2011-02-03 Highlights: First results on dE/dx for the latest rereco.
- 2011-02-17 Highlights:
- Gaelle, HLT Monitoring:
tool from HLT group: HLTMon. It will create an HLTSummary directory in the root file with 3 histograms:- 1 number of events passing the bits
- 2 correlation between bits
- 3 efficiency for the bits (plot 1 normalized to event number)
- Marc, Status of O2O: scripts for automatization almost ready (timing is a little more complicated).
- Rebeca: the LA producer is almost ready. </ul>
- Gaelle, HLT Monitoring:
- 2011-03-03 Highlights:
- Loic: Low dE/dx events seem to be ghosts from previous bunch crossing. They are all not in collision (!BPTX) and always follow a collision.
- Marco Cardaci: Overview of spy data analysis
- Claude: Plans for dE/dx developments in simulation
- Michael: Prototype of ClusterSummary ready
- Rebeca: LorentzAngle mode switch ready (last test: check the results of reco with old and new code) </ul>
- 2011-03-17 Highlights:
- Lorentz Angle: restart of the analysis, fruitful discussion. It is not clear which method can give the best measurement (if any).
- Stephan Lohr: Results of cluster threshold analysis: recommendation for new thresholds that can be used in the reconstruction.
- Mark Zoeller: update on O2O status. Pedestals O2O still problematic with 64bits.
- Timothy Polka: Validation of latest releases is fine. No problems to report. </ul>
- 2011-03-31 Highlights:
- Mehdi Karim: Detailed analysis of beam background events and low multiplicity events. The results are of interest also for the Tracker DPG/Tracking POG meeting, so we asked to present them at the next meeting.
- Gabriele Benelli: Fast O2O has a first working prototype. Being setup for shadow mode (will run after a normal o2o). After a period of tests and if everything is fine it can be switched as the default o2o. </ul>
- 2011-05-12 "Lorentz Angle Workshop" Highlights:
- Morris Swartz: Strip Cluster Splitting.
- Catherine, Thierry, Andreas: Mobility studies
- Jochen Ott: Update on spy nois
- 2011-06-09 Highlights:
- News: Problem with RunInfo in the HLT and PCL@T0 development
- Jochen Ott: Update on spy channel studies
- Gavril: Results of using the cluster templates in the CPE.
- 2011-06-23 Highlights:
- News: RunInfo in HLT (new producer), DetId removal from SiStripCluster (development complete), DQM histograms for occupancy in PromptReco (to be removed)
- Michael: Update on ClusterSummary and Hit Resolution
- Sandro Gonzi: Tracker geometry update
- 2011-07-07 Highlights:
- Marc: Status of the O2Os
- Rebeca: DetId removal from clusters
- Thierry: Effect of cluster cleaning on LA measurement
- Gavril: the cluster splitting improves efficiency and fake-rate for high Pt tracks but worsens for low Pt tracks.
- 2011-07-21 Highlights:
- Andreas: Effect of depletion voltage on LorentzAngle
- depletion voltages from the db
- No significant dependence found
- cross checked with the simulation
- Mario: Cluster features
- The bad component analysis is identifying some features which seem to be connected to specific positions in some modules.
- Michael:ClusterSummary producer update
- Andreas: Effect of depletion voltage on LorentzAngle
- 2011-08-04 Highlights:
- News: DCS masking problem and new tag
- Jacob: HV mapping
- 2011-09-29 Highlights:
- Mark: status of the O2Os
- Bruno Wittmer: mearuring the Lorentz Angle from laser runs
- 2011-10-10 Highlights:
- Claude: status of the simulation
- Andreas: update on LA study
- Marco Cardaci: update on spy gain analysis
- 2011-10-27 Hihglights:
- Morris: Detailed simulation of charge collection timing effects
- Jochen: Update on spy noise analysis
- Marc: Readiness for the heavy ions run
- 2011-11-24 Overview Meetings (first of two):
- Claude: Simulation Overview
- Neeti: Release Validation Overview
- Ludivine: AlCaReco Validation and MC Production Overview
- 2011-12-08 Overview Meetings (second of two):
- Marco, Jochen: Spy Channel Overview
- Thierry, Andreas, Catherine: Lorentz Angle Overview
- Mario: Calibration Workflow Overview
- Loic: dE/dX Overview
- Michael, Rebeca: Local Reconstruction Overview
- Gabriele, Marco: O2O and Offline Database Overview
- Presentation at Vertex 2015; in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on June 1-5 2015: "CMS developments for track-triggers".
- Plenary talk at the Arnowitt Symposium and Mitchell Workshop on Collider and Dark Matter Physics 2015; in College Station, TX on May 22 2015: "Search for long-lived particles in dilepton final states".
- Plenary talk at the Beauty 2013 - 14th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines; in Bologna on the 9/4/2013: " Search for the rare decays B0->mu+mu-, Bs->mu+mu- with the CMS detector".
- Presentation at the Quarkonium Production Workshop "Probing QCD at the LHC" in Vienna on the 19/4/2011: "Upsilon Production with CMS".
- Presentation of a poster entitled: “Condition Data for the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker Reconstruction” at the 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 25-31 Oct 2009, Orlando, FL (United States)
- Presentation of a poster entitled: “History Plotting Tool for Data Quality Monitoring” at the 11th Pisa meeting on advanced detectors at Isola d'Elba (PI), 24-30/5 2009
- Presentation of a poster entitled: “Production of W and Z bosons accompanied by jets at LHC startup” at the ICHEP08 conference in Philadelphia (PA), 29/7-5/8 2008
- Presentation at the first SiLC meeting at Vienna on the 18/9/2005: “First performance studies of jet rejection using a pixel based trigger”
- Co-supervisor of a CERN Summer Student in 2010 Final Report
- ... (to be updated)
- LPC (FNAL) - 10-14 January 2012 -
- Pisa - 23-27 January 2012 -
- Taipei - 11-15 September 2012 -
- LPC (FNAL) - 8-12 January 2013 -
- Hamburg - 14-18 January 2013 -
- India - 7-11 November 2013 -
- LPC (FNAL) - 8-11 January 2014 -
CMS Data Analysis School
Facilitator for the Exotica: Displaced Vertices exercise. TWiki page of the exercise: TWiki.HATS@LPC
Instructor and ideator of the HATS@LPC "Modern tools for interactive analysis"