- CMS AN-2013/216 - Bs mu mu search parallel analysis
- CMS AN-2012/474 - Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying to final states that include dileptons using the 2012 data sample
- CMS AN-2012/104 - Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution with 2011 J/Psi Data
- CMS AN-2011/488 - Triggers to find Displaced Fermions from Exotica in the 2012 Run
- CMS AN-2011/487 - Stand Alone Muon Reconstruction
- CMS AN-2011/486 - Search for Heavy Resonances Decaying to Long-Lived Neutral Particles in the Displaced Lepton Channel using the 2011 Data Sample
- CMS AN-2011/455 - Upsilon production in PbPb collisions
- CMS AN-2011/361 - Search for Higgs Bosons decaying to Long-Lived Exotica in the Displaced Lepton Channel
- CMS AN-2011/284 - Measurement of Momentum Scale and Resolution using Low-mass Resonances and Cosmic Ray Muons
- CMS AN-2011/166 - Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution from Z → μμ decays
- CMS AN-2010/138 - Measurement of the inclusive Upsilon production cross section in pp collisions at √s=7~TeV
- CMS AN-2011/062 - Quarkonium production in Pb+Pb collisions
- CMS AN-2010/264 - Updated Measurements of the Inclusive W and Z Cross Sections at 7 TeV
- CMS AN-2010/138 - Inclusive total and differential production cross section of J/ψ and b-hadron production in pp collisions at √s = 7~TeV with the CMS experiment
- CMS AN-2010/059 - Calibration of track momentum using dimuon resonances in CMS - 2010-03-05
- CMS AN-2007/031 - Towards a measurement of the inclusive W->munu and Z->mu+mu- cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 14 TeV.
- CMS CR-2013/138 - Search for the rare decays B0 → μ+μ- and B0_s → μ+μ- with the CMS detector
- CMS CR-2009/335 - Condition Data for the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker reconstruction
- Melting mesons (Upsilon suppression in heavy ions collisions) link to the article - Friday, Aug. 26, 2011
- Experiments on quark matter (Upsilon suppression in heavy ions collisions) link to the article - Friday, Jan. 25, 2013
- Ultra-rare events (Bs->mumu) link to the article - Friday, Aug. 9, 2013